Youth With A Mission of Nashville, Inc. is an affiliate of Youth With A Mission International, an international, interdenominational Christian missionary organization with over 1,000 operating locations in more than 160 nations.
Youth With A Mission's three main focuses are:
TRAINING through a variety of schools and seminars worldwide;
EVANGELISM by taking God's message of love and reconciliation, creatively expressing it through
personal and group efforts involving the dramatic and musical arts, and bringing it globally and cross-
MERCY MINISTRIES locally and globally, including food and clothing distribution, crisis counseling,
and providing shelter of homeless and refugees.
Youth With A Mission of Nashville, Inc. embraces these disciplines by offering training schools at our local campus here in Adams, TN, providing opportunity for our students to serve abroad in various venues through field assignments, and providing service to our local community.
All staff with YWAM Nashville raise their own monthly support and departments are staffed from within the organization and from volunteers. In order to be considered full time staff or volunteer a person must have completed and submitted all necessary paperwork.
Many people desire to come and serve our base on a volunteer capacity and we welcome those individuals to come and serve anywhere from 3 days to 1 year (with renewal contract options). All Staff do need to be Christian and attending a church regularly of their choosing.