Humanity faces intense challenges of an unprecedented scale, complexity and interdependence. The current economic and environmental path is dangerously unsustainable. As humanity sleepwalks inexorably towards a climate catastrophe, propelled by economic irrationality and increasing inequality and fueled by a new wave of political populism, where is the radical voice of education, which can stem the tide, challenge orthodoxy and bring hope to young people betrayed by a system of self-perpetuating inadequacy?
We believe a radical new kind of approach to education is necessary. Sustainability Education is committed to working with schools, business, NGOs and governments to challenge orthodoxy about the “where” “how” and “what” of education. Our programmes and After Care consultancy in Sustainability Leadership, Education in Conflict & Post Conflict Contexts, and in Mindfulness & Wellbeing challenge delegates to imagine, co-create and articulate a transformative strategy for peace, justice and sustainability throughout the world.