Pharos Academic Consulting

Education Administration Programs · 2 Employees
Here at Pharos we're not just excited to welcome you to the team, but to watch your story, and future, unfold with us. We believe that navigating the university admissions process should be done the right way, that’s why we work as a small but dedicated team of experienced professionals who believe that each family deserves not only our undivided attention, but the personalized service and the highest standards inherent in that attention. That being said, our clients will ALWAYS be working with one of our founders to get the VIP service and experience they deserve—no outsourcing, no faceless names, no workshops, and no getting lost in the system. By bucking the market trend of quick regional and global expansion, we have invested in the idea that forging a local identity which our community can rely on is of the utmost importance. This ideology, combined with a methodology rooted in quality, responsibility, professionalism, and creativity has shown continued and sustainable success which has resulted in admissions to schools such as: Oxford, Cornell, Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins, Brown, University of Chicago, UCLA, UC Berkeley, USC, Duke, Rice, Emory, NYU Tisch, and a host of other top-ranked universities. 我们在PHAROS 期待您的光顾,并愿与您一起书写求学故事,共谱美好未来。 在艰难的求学路上,应由专业的团队指导学生避免走弯路,因此,我们由经验丰富的专业人士组成小而精的团队,为每个家庭提供个性化的专业服务,并在服务中秉承最严谨的态度和最高的标准。保证我们的每一位客户,都能享受到合伙人级别师资带来的VIP 服务体验—绝不外包流程,绝不仅仅远程沟通,绝不流水线化作业,也绝无繁琐僵硬的体系制度。在泥沙俱下、追求区域化和全球扩张的市场大趋势下,我们逆流向上,秉承教育初心,将我们的战略重心放在打造本地口碑,为社区和身边群体提供可信赖的服务。 小而精的经营理念,基于质量、责任、专业、创造力的服务方式,让PHAROS成功帮助学生们被众多知名学府录取:牛津大学,康奈尔大学,范德堡大学,约翰霍普金斯大学,布朗大学,芝加哥大学,加州大学洛杉矶分校及伯克利分校,纽约大学Tisch,电影学院,以及其他众多顶尖学校。
Year Founded
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Education Administration Programs
HQ Location
Alamo, CA 94507, US
academic consultingeducational consultingadmissions consultingacademic guidancecollege counselingadmissions guidancecollege consultinghigher educationuniversity counselinguniversity guidance
  • Alamo, CA 94507, US

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