Suchitra Academy is a co-educational school, starting in the year 2011, from Play School to Grade XII. Suchitra is founded with the vision of providing whole education with academic excellence.
Suchitra Provides a conducive environment that makes students full partners in their learning process. The students are encouraged to freely extend and develop their own thoughts, build on their own frame of ref
erence, and be responsible for their part of the endeavor.
The school campus is spread over 10 acres of lush greenery (655 30+ year old trees) and has a built-up area of 200,000 sq. ft. ready which only few other schools can offer. The School has infrastructure for:
- 25m Swimming Pool
- Basketball
- Tennis
- Cricket
- Volleyball
- Jogging Track
- Horse Riding
- Skating
- 1600-seat Amphitheater
- 700-seat Indoor Multipurpose Hall
Located about 7km from the Paradise Junction, one the busiest junctions in the twin cities on National Highway 7, the campus is situated close to Bowenpally, and can be easily accessed from any part of the city