Standards Verification UK (SVUK) is responsible for endorsing generic initial teacher training (ITT) qualifications for the lifelong learning sector in England and Wales, and those for Skills for Life practitioners in ESOL, literacy and numeracy in England.We work closely with higher education institutions, awarding bodies and training organisations offering these qualifications and play a vital role in ensuring the quality of initial training and continuing professional development through our work with such providers and stakeholders.
SVUK administers the General Professional Recognition Learning and Skills scheme (GPRLS) which enables competent and experienced teachers in England to be recognised as qualified members of the workforce.
We manage the Tariff of Initial Teacher Training Qualifications which equates ITT qualifications available in England prior to Sept 2007 with the new teaching and training qualifications, which have since been introduced.
SVUK also offers a world-wide Quality Mark service for qualifications, customised CPD programmes or resources in other areas in the lifelong learning sector, such as leadership and management development.
SVUK was part of a consortium of nine partners from 5 countries working on the Recognition of Prior Learning Outcomes (RPLO) Project. A Leonardo funded Transfer of Innovation Project, it aimed to improve the attractiveness and effectiveness of the VET Teachers and Trainers profession in the UK and partner countries. .