Sibbalt LLC, is a successful snack manufacturer in Russian Federation since 1998. Our manufacturing facilities are located in the heart of Siberia – city of Omsk. Siberia is one of the most ecologically clean regions on our planet. We control quality of our products on each stage of manufacturing starting from raw materials and ending at the Buyer’s door. Sibbalt, LLC is performing its export activity via Sibsnack, LLC. Sibbalt’s brand portfolio has reached 9 own brands – potato chips: Drive Chips tm, roasted sunflower seeds: Sibbalt tm, Syomochki tm and Super Drive tm; roasted peanuts: Pivakhistm, Sibbalttm, Drivetm; roasted pistachios Sibbalt tm, Drive tm; seafood Drive tm and Balti tm.
A team of high skilled and qualified professional, which work with wholesale retail networks in all segments of the market outlets in Russia and abroad, is always at your service. Amongst our partners one can find the largest Russian companies with the sales geography which covers almost all territory of Russian Federation. International market is covered by vast amount of countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Azerbaidjan, currently we actively develop markets of China, Middle East and Eastern Europe.
Our mission is maximum satisfaction of people’s necessities in high quality and affordable snacks.
Own manufacturing facilities, multi-level quality control on each stage these are main advantages of our Company which allowed us to occupy one of the leading places on snack market in Russian Federation.
Export oriented brands in our portfolio are:
Potato chips Drive tm – six bright tastes in favourite and known from childhood shape – long chips! Thin and crispy long chips Drive tm in comparison with regular chips simply melt in your mouth and pleasant taste of porcini mushrooms and sour cream, chicken, bacon, sour cream and cheese or sour cream and onion, aspic and horseradish will leave no one insensitive. These potato chips will perfectly fit as a snack to different kinds of refreshing drinks and satisfy light hunger.