Sea Watch E.V.

International Affairs · 51 Employees
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OUR REMIT/MISSION Not inactively watching people die in the Mediterranean Sea – that has always been and still is the central motivation of all Sea-Watch-activists. Sea-Watch e.V. is a non-profit initiative, who has devoted itself to civil sea rescue. In light of the humanitarian catastrophe, Sea-Watch provides emergency aid, where governmental bodies fail to do so. Additionally, we demand and push European institutions to take on their responsibility for sea rescue and ask for legal escape routes/passages. Despite being exposed to increasing criminalisation and repression by various EU-states, we continuously develop new action plans and implement new strategies. Sea-Watch is politically and religiously independent and solely financed by donations. MISSION & VISION 1. RESCUE LIVES Since 2015 Sea-Watch-activists have been involved in rescuing over 38.000 people. Our volunteers act fast, calm and professionally. Every single rescued life is a success and a sign of humanity. 2. GENERATE PUBLICITY There is always a personal and a political side to a humanitarian catastrophe. Therefore, we publicise the fates of refugees as well as violations of human rights that have been committed by European battleships and commercial vessels by knowingly ignoring emergency calls or by European states who have been allowing the so-called Libian coast guards to drag back over 9.000 people in 2019 alone to the civil-war land. 3. INITIATE THE TURNING POINT Sea-Watch is a civil society initiative that sends out a clear signal of humanity. We back everyone, who stands up for a more diverse, more human Europe and a political solution according to our demanded #SafePassage, especially during times of increasing racist agitation in Germany or other states of the EU.
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Moostr. 7-9 Berlin, Berlin 12435, DE
Search and Rescue
  • Moostr. 7-9 Berlin, Berlin 12435, DE

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