Rai Foundation is the crystallization of an Inspiration and a Dream. 'Manav Sewa Madhav Sewa' or 'Service of Man is Service to God'…that's an ancient wisdom that has reverberated through Time and Civilizations. So also the fact that Man exists because of Society…and that each one of us is truly indebted to our society and, therefore, must give back and strive through sincere thoughts, words and deeds to make it a better place to live in.
History is replete with inspiring movements which tried to live up these ideals and thereby made a lasting difference to human society. One such contemporary movement is Rai Foundation.
Rai Foundation is setup with the premise that without the uplift of society our nation's dream of being a leading nation in the world will remain unfulfilled. To realize this conviction Rai Foundation was founded as an NGO with an objective to address various socio-cultural concerns of India and its people.