OneSchool Global NZ is a registered and accredited private multi-campus school. The School’s special character, Ethos, Values Statement and Guiding Principles govern the School and are aligned with the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church.
Our “Learning to Learn framework” provides a foundation for innovative teaching and learning opportunities within the New Zealand Curriculum and gives a platform for our students to attain outstanding education and personal achievements. We focus on each individual student reaching their full potential. Every student at every level.
OneSchool Global has schools in eight regions across the world. We are committed to creating and delivering learning programs that meet the educational needs of each student, and to nurture the attitudes and skills necessary for continual learning and personal growth throughout life.
Our philosophy of “Learning to Learn” means to use learning as a tool whereby students are equipped with the ability to think critically, process information perceptually, analyse data accurately, and evaluate situations intelligently in order that they fulfil their true potential.
Our Schools are affiliated with the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church and are conservative in the sense that we uphold strong Christian values and beliefs yet progressive in our capacity to deliver a single school approach across multiple campuses, and in the methods we employ to teach our curriculum.