Network for Human and Social Development is a registered charity with Pakistan Centre For Philanthropy. We have completed 43 projects with natonal and International Organizations including USAID, UNFPA, TVO, Oxfam Novib, Malteser International,Merlin International, German Red Cross etc.
As many of you may already know, I am involved in fundraising for the work for NHSD. Each year NHSD works with local donors to put on an event to help generate funds to support the socio-economically disadvantaged & vulnerable people in Pakistan and assist them in addressing their poverty-linked issues and their many programs like as Civil Society, Child/Girls/Adult Education, Gender Equality, Vocational Schools etc.
Every year we will hold our event on the seasonal program. So I am contacting you on behalf of the NHSD to request your support in the form of a donation.
I am asking you to help us out with a donation to the NHSD. It has been a difficult year financially for all of us, and I hope we can count on you for a generous donation. As always, any amount you can provide is greatly appreciated.