صدر قرار مجلس الوزراء الموقر رقح (94) بتاريخ 7/2/1438هـ بالموافقة على الترتيبات التنظيمية لهيئة تقويم التعليم والتدريب والمتضمنة أن الهيئة هي الجهة المختصة في المملكة بالتقويم والاعتماد في التعليم والتدريب لرفع جودتهما وكفايتهما ومساهمتهما في خدمة الاقتصاد والتنمية الوطنية
ويأتي المركز الوطني للتقويم والاعتماد الأكاديمي واحداً من المراكز التي تشرف عليها الهيئة، وهو إمتداد لما كان يعرف سابقاً بالهيئة الوطنية للتقويم والاعتماد الأكاديمي التي تأسست بموجب الموافقة السامية الكريمة رقم 7/ب/6024 وتاريخ 9/2/1424هـ. بحيث تتمتع بالشخصية المعنوية والاستقلال الإداري والمالي وتكون السلطة المسؤولة عن شؤون الاعتماد الأكاديمي وضمان الجودة في مؤسسات التعليم فوق الثانوي ـــــ الحكومي والأهلي.
The Council of Ministers' Resolution No. 94 issued on 7/2/1438 AH approved the organizational arrangements for the Education Evaluation Commission, which stated that the commission is the competent authority in the Kingdom to assess and accredit education and training institutions and programs, in order to raise their quality, adequacy and contribution to the national economy and development.The National Center for Academic Accreditation and Evaluation, one of the centers supervised by the Commission, is an extension of what was previously known as the National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment, which was established under the Royal Decree No. 7/B/ 6024 dated 9/2 / 1424H. NCAAA is an independent legal entity with administrative and financial governance that acts as the authority responsible for academic accreditation and quality assurance in higher educational of public and private institutions and programs.
Vision, Mission and Values:
Center’s Vision: A regionally pioneering center that is recognized internationally for its excellence in the assessment and accreditation of higher education institutions and programs.
Center’s Mission: Supporting the quality, assessment, and accreditation of higher education institutions and programs, through an objective and transparent system and procedures to gain the confidence of the local and global community in the outputs of these institutions and programs.
Center’s Values: Based on our Islamic and cultural values, the Center is committed to the following values, that are governing all its activities.
Excellence: The Center seeks to achieve the highest possible quality in all its activities in order to achieve excellence in all fields.