Morrison's Academy, Crieff, is a Perthshire independent day school for boys and girls aged 2 to 18.
The strong teacher to pupil ratio in our classes guarantees the delivery of high quality education by a team of dedicated professionals who cherish traditional values yet are flexible enough to place them within a modern context. Consequently, teachers and pupils hold each other in high regard.
Situated in Crieff, the centre of rural Perthshire, Morrison's Academy has one of the most beautiful locations of any school in Britain. The stunning mountain scenery provides the backdrop for the school yet this belies its easy access to the main conurbations of Glasgow and Edinburgh.
We've adapted and overcame the challenges presented with lockdown and home learning by developing a robust and stand out digital learning system that is efficient and easy to use for our Staff and Pupils. With new online classrooms and virtual open mornings, Morrison's Academy is well equipped and ready for the future.