Kaibigang Pilipino (KP), “Friendship of Filipinos”, is a non-profit student organization of UCSD. Founded on April 6, 1987, KP began as a social gathering for Filipinos to feel comfortable on campus. Since then, this student organization continues to educate the UCSD and San Diego communities about the many aspects of Pilipin@ culture, as well as to preserve and promote positive images of Pilipinos. KP also exists to support Pilipino students, to strive for equality for all Pilipino people, for underrepresented communities, and to serve as a community space for students.
As a student organization, KP strives to fulfill an enriching and holistic college experience for its members by providing social, political, academic, and cultural experiences (S.P.A.C.E.) and empowerment. It is the duty of KP to provide workshops, events, and general body meetings that promote the growth of its members in all aspects of S.P.A.C.E.
As a SAAC organization and a core organization of SPACES, KP strives to provide underprivileged communities with the resources they need to access higher education, assist in the retention and matriculation of underprivileged students within the undergraduate population, and educate and spread awareness concerning the struggle and sociopolitical issues of the Pilipin@ and Filipin@-American community.
General Body Meetings are held on Wednesdays, 6-8PM at the Comunidad Large of the Cross-Cultural Center on the second floor of Price Center East (next to the Loft, and right above Burger King).