We deliver engaging, memorable and highly effective training to improve people's chances of gaining meaningful employment.
We train for all entry level jobs, with particular focus on frontline services industries.
Our training...
► Identifies the capabilities of a candidate, how to leverage strengths and improve on weaknesses
► Develops confidence in people to articulate their skills to an employer
► Builds the best version of the candidate on paper, online and in person
► Maximises the employment value by realising past experiences
► Prepares the candidate for all types of interviews and recruitment interactions
Our Key Training Areas...
► Capability Mapping
► Resume Essentials
► Interview Skills
► Customer Service
► Tactical Communication
► Personal Branding
Job Skills Queensland actively works with all levels of government, Registered Training Organisations, industry associations, major employers, small business and local chambers of commerce.
If you would like to learn more, or have an opportunity for collaboration please be in touch.