JASON institute is a Dutch student organization founded in 1975. Before the end of the Cold War JASON focused primarily on Atlantic relations. After this period JASON enlarged its field of interest due to global changes. Nowadays the foundation focuses on international peace- and security issues in its broadest sense. The aim of JASON is providing students a wider understanding about issues concerning international security. To achieve this goal JASON organises for instance lectures, conferences and visits to international organisations. On these occasions students and experts, mostly from the diplomatic and academic level, are gathered to discuss a specific and often recent theme in international relations.
Four times a year JASON publishes a Magazine about international relations. The editorial staff consists of students and the articles provided in the JASON Magazine are a combination of student and expert pieces of writing.
Every student interested in international relations regardless of his or her field of study can take part in activities organized by Stichting JASON. Subscription to the Magazine is free and open to everyone interested in issues concerning international relations.