The International Research Institute and Archive for Disarmament - IRIAD is a non-profit social promotion association founded in 1982. In liaison with various national and foreign bodies, it promotes scientific knowledge of the following topics: security, disarmament, inter-culture, human rights, nonviolent conflict management and resolution. It carries out research reports and consultancy activities on orders from institutions, non-governmental organizations, companies and freelance professionals. He develops and publishes his own editorial collections, specialized magazines and web analysis, research, articles and reviews. It organizes training courses for students and professors of all levels, scholars and professionals. It also awards prizes and scholarships to young people on their own topics. Organizes, promotes, finances and participates in a diverse series of educational and informative events, public or private such as conferences, conferences, congresses, exhibitions, events, ceremonies, film festivals. In particular, since 1986 it organizes annually (with the support of Legacoop and other cooperatives belonging to it) the Colombe d'oro Journalistic Prize for Peace, a true emblem of the Institute in the world. Finally, it offers students, researchers and enthusiasts a library (with an archive of documentary material and a video library) federated in the circuit of the Libraries of Rome and daily open to the public. Archivio Disarmo makes use of the work of employees, as well as the contribution of members, volunteers and young collaborators. In particular, it promotes the dissemination of the Universal Civil Service. All activities (research, training, socio-cultural promotion projects, events, library) are carried out by ad hoc working groups in which university professors, specialised Italian and foreign researchers cooperate, professionals from the business world and Ngos.