PCPM is one of the largest Polish humanitarian and development NGOs and main NGO implementing partner to Polish Aid (donor arm of Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
PCPM specializes in provision of:
1) Emergency assistance in natural disasters and humanitarian emergencies through operation of PCPM's Polish Emergency Team (Type 1 Foreign Medical Team) - among others in response to the 2015 earthquake in Nepal;
2) Humanitarian aid in complex emergencies and protracted crises, with a particular emphasis on refugee and IDP assistance, shelter and cash programs. PCPM humanitarian aid programs benefit IDPs in Ukraine and Syrian refugees in Lebanon;
3) Development aid in three distinct areas of expertise:
- Use of renewable resources (solar lighting) to increase capacity of education and health care facilities (Ethiopia, South Sudan)
- Support to livelihoods and small businesses (Palestinian Autonomy, Tajikistan)
- Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Management, including training of Fire Brigades and Ambulance Services (South Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lebanon, Georgia)