Our vision is to offer the best early education program available in the most enriching environment to ensure that every child in our care is in the best care available.
Recognising the importance the first five years of a child’s life has on their future, we developed our programs focusing on ensuring Endeavour children are school ready, healthy and well rounded.
Our school readiness program incorporates not only literacy and mathematical learning, but also physical and creative education. We combine the EYLF with our extensive understanding of how children develop and learn. Our aim is to ensure that all our children are prepared as they begin their school journey.
Our children are healthy through the meals and snacks provided. They are prepared fresh daily by our dedicated onsite chef. At Endeavour, we take our food program seriously. Children grow their own organic fruit and vegetables on site. When they are ready, our children harvest, help prepare and enjoy the fruits of their labour for their own paddock to plate experience. We also have fresh organic produce delivered to us weekly from local certified organic suppliers.
Our children are well rounded through our Mandarin language lesson, our music therapy and art program.
We teach our children a foreign language at a young age as and it lays the foundation for lifelong academic achievement. Research confirms that learning a foreign language early helps stimulate children’s minds and gives them a positive attitude about learning languages and other.
Music Therapy is a Healthcare Profession. There is a body of scientific and academic research that states music therapy programs can help to enhance a child’s developmental functions. We want our children to reap the many benefits that music therapy for children provides.
Art is a lot of fun, but there is so much more to art. Young minds can learn through exploring art and creating artworks. Children develop fundamental life skills through art.