EOLREV SAS is a joint venture company of two pioneers and entrepreneurs in wind turbines second hand market:
Oxana Danilevich, has been active in used wind turbines decommissioning and related services since 2009 and established several professional entities in targeted markets, such as WindWorks Holding BV, Antro group bvba and Agix Energy BV.
Martin Guillemot, President of Weilai Energy LINK SAS, has started his experience in the gas industry, moving to wind energy in 2007 and joining the wind repowering movement since 2013 being focused on sales of second hand wind turbines and spare components to worldwide customers.
The partnership of two experts has started back in 2013 and achieved multiple successful projects realized over past years, including several ones in France.
The expertise and recognition developed on the French market, backed-up by existing portfolio of international buyers, encouraged the partners to establish a local entity to offer a turnkey wind parks decommissioning and revalorization services to wind park owners. The scope of services includes purchase of wind turbines, dismantling, resell for 2nd life and/or recycling, removal, foundation demolishing, and other customized services.
The origination of the Company's name was inspired by its business direction, which reflected in French "Eol" for "Eolienne" and "Rev" for "Revolarisation", but also expressed the Company's vision in the meaning of "Revolution" in the light of energy transition and circular economy, and, of course, having a "Rêve" (Eng. Transl: a "dream") to make our Planet sustainable and Green. At the same time, English interpretation of the name can be seen as E.O.L. standing for "End Of Life", and REV for "Revalue", which exactly describes the Company's mission.