Unlike many other countries, in New Zealand child protection training is not mandatory for professionals or volunteers who work with children and young people. This means teachers, sports coaches and even social workers may never have received training relating to child abuse and neglect, how to recognise the signs of abuse, and how to respond if risk is identified.
This is the reason Child Matters has existed since 1994 – to upskill those working and interacting with children, young people and their families and whānau so they are able to identify risks concerning vulnerability and abuse and have the knowledge and confidence to take appropriate action.
Child Matters works with all sectors including professionals, community organisations, families and whānau, to deliver training, provide advice regarding policy and procedures, and recommend resources regarding child protection issues. Education of all sectors of our community is essential in reducing abuse and neglect in New Zealand.
Child Matters is a registered Charitable Trust, and a Private Training Establishment.