We are a company that was established in 2004 with a simple, deeply committed vision to unleash the power of Engineering. Engineering is a great power. It fuels the world’s economy, makes our life wonderfully safe and comfortable and fills the world with wondrous products and services and unleashes the power of human's mind!
Very early we understood the future and wanted to seize the opportunity and provide leadership and make an impact in the field of computer technology used in Engineering. In the following we have made clear what specifically drives us.
We have explained why there is a need for in-depth training of these computer technologies, how we have put in place the most efficient training program, our success story to date and finally why the road ahead is almost endless and the fact that we have miles to go…
The Power of Computer Technology in Engineering
The root of Engineering is always an idea or ideas. It is the original thought in the mind of the inventor/designer that is finally brought into physical reality. Engineering requires tools and the most powerful tool in the world is computer technology. It has dramatically created impact in every field of business and work and Engineering is no exception. One of the great inventions powering the Engineering field is CAD/CAM/CAE.