Delivering the best in assistive technology in Canada for over 25 years, Bridges is the only cross-Canada, full service, assistive technology company. We work in both English and French.
Bridges believes that with the right technology, strategies and resources, creative teams of professionals can build the best ways to support learning and communication. Because everyone can learn and communicate, regardless of abilities, challenges or age, we believe this work is important and benefits everyone.
We deliver unmatched support in assistive technology for learning, communication, alternative access, low vision and blindness needs.
Bridges has a team of over 20 passionate professionals ready to serve you, including experienced AT sales consultants, instructors, curriculum specialists, tech support, customer service and operations professionals. We have 25+ years of experience working with school districts, provincial governments, universities, agencies and, of course thousands of individual children and adults.
Bridges has a track record of timely delivery and reliable service built on an unmatched reputation and established relationships with the leading AT developers around the world. For many of them we are their largest customer which means we can get the best service and be on the leading edge of product development.
With Canada’s most complete line of AT tools, Bridges can help you find the best solution.