The Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education (AVRCE) serves approximately 12,500 students. AVRCE’s vision is Working Together for Students. AVRCE administers 40 schools and two adult high schools located in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia.
The student population is drawn from:
• five towns: Annapolis Royal, Middleton, Berwick, Kentville, Wolfville
• three municipal regions: Municipality of the County of Annapolis, Municipality of the County of
Kings, Windsor-West Hants Regional Municipality
• three Mi’kmaq communities: Bear River First Nation, Annapolis Valley First Nation, Glooscap First Nation
• nine historic African Nova Scotian communities: Lequille, Granville Ferry, Inglewood (Bridgetown), Middleton, Cambridge Station, Gibson Woods, Aldershot, Kentville, Five Mile Plains (Three Mile Plains)