ASSIST is a U.S.- based nonprofit. We transform the world and foster peace by promoting international exchange and educational excellence. To do this, we partner with schools, educators, families, donors, and volunteers to create annual scholarships to be awarded to young talents from around the world. Our students upon completion of their ASSIST year receive a certificate.
Here's how we work:
Our team of educational experts from around the world identifies academically talented, multi-lingual international students.
We then match them with American independent secondary schools, secure merit-based scholarships for them from our "member schools", and raise the additional funds needed to underwrite many additional costs associated with study abroad.
We call our students "ASSIST Scholars". A big title with a big mission behind it - promoting peace and understanding through international exchange and educational excellence.
During their one-year school stay, ASSIST Scholars serve as a cultural ambassadors and actively participate in classes and extracurricular activities. Most importantly: ASSIST Scholars are charged with making the most of the time they have by making the greatest positive impact they can. We've been working with talented young people to advance this mission since 1969 and not once have our Scholars let us down.
Our growing, global network comprises over 6,000 ASSIST Scholars from 52 nations, many underrepresented in independent school populations. It's gained its reputation by building lasting bridges between young talents, families, teachers, elite American schools, and home country communities. We couldn't be prouder of the young people who join us each year in the adventure of making our world more interconnected. We're also equally grateful to the schools, host families, donors, and volunteers who make this work possible.
#weareassist #ASSISTScholars #studyabroad #internationalexchange #youngtalents