We at Manning, Leaver, Bruder & Berberich, LLP are proud that for over 95 years our clients have trusted us to help them with their legal needs. We are thankful that over these many years our firm has developed such a wealth of knowledge and experience that we have become known throughout California as a firm which handles client matters efficiently, wisely, and economically. We are fortunate to have a group of highly educated attorneys from top law schools who are dedicated to using their talents in clearing the legal path of our clients. We are honored to have the privilege of representing our clients and strive always to obtain for them the best results possible.
Practice Areas
- General Trial
- Consumer class action defense
- New Motor Vehicle Board representation
- DMV accusations
- Bureau of Automotive Repair representation
- Buy/sell agreements
- Real estate sales and leases
- Formation of entities
- Loans and construction process
- Franchise and business opportunities
- General regulatory compliance
- F&I training
- Advertising review
- DMV/BAR licensing
- Production of manuals