Halytech manufactures a range of data-logging products with built-in GSM, 3G, Satellite and Ethernet communications.
Product applications:
-Environmental monitoring
- Automatic meter reading
- Sportsfield lighting management
- Weather stations
- Trade waste monitoring
- Monitoring and alarm notification (SMS / email) in a wide range of OEM equipment (pump controls, refrigeration systems, data centres etc.).
Key features:
- Very low power consumption for use in remote areas
- Browser based configuration - no need for special software
- Simple to use - setup and configuration can be done by personnel with limited technical knowledge.
- Can be configured remotely
Target Markets:
- Commercial and Industrial automatic meter reading (Water, Air, Gas, Electricity & Steam)
- Hydrography/Hydrology
- Air monitoring
- Mine site environmental monitoring
- Pipeline monitoring
- Cathodic Protection
- Origianl Equipment Manufacturers
- Utilities (Water, Gas, Electricity)
- SCADA systems
- Sportsfield Lighting (Municipal authorities, universities and sports clubs)