Halytech manufactures a range of data-logging products with built-in GSM, 3G, Satellite and Ethernet communications.
Product applications:
-Environmental monitoring
- Automatic meter reading
- Sportsfield lighting management
- Weather stations
- Trade waste monitoring
- Monitoring and alarm notification (SMS / email) in a wide range of OEM equipment (pump controls, refrigeration systems, data centres etc.).
Key features:
- Very low power consumption for use in remote areas
- Browser based configuration - no need for special software
- Simple to use - setup and configuration can be done by personnel with limited technical knowledge.
- Can be configured remotely
Target Markets:
- Commercial and Industrial automatic meter reading (Water, Air, Gas, Electricity & Steam)
- Hydrography/Hydrology
- Air monitoring
- Mine site environmental monitoring
- Pipeline monitoring
- Cathodic Protection
- Origianl Equipment Manufacturers
- Utilities (Water, Gas, Electricity)
- SCADA systems
- Sportsfield Lighting (Municipal authorities, universities and sports clubs)
Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
HQ Location
Unit 11, 22 Lexington Drive
Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153, AU
Low power devices for environmental monitoringData-loggers with built-in communicationsand Custom products for special applications