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About Seth Reppen
Seth Reppen has 2 current jobs including Vice President at Dane Manufacturing in Dane, Wisconsin, United States, at Q Energy Systems. Dane Manufacturing is a Industrial Machinery Manufacturing company in 500 S Division St
Waunakee, Wisconsin 53597, US with 29 employees
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Seth Reppen Work
Seth Reppen is the Vice President @Dane Manufacturing, with experience @Q Energy Systems
Customers are looking for complete solutions from reliable manufacturers that can grow and adapt to their needs. Dane Manufacturing offers expertise in a wide variety of end-to-end metal solutions serving a range of industries. We also place an emphasis on continued growth and employee development and embrace technological advancement. As a result, we keep getting better.
Utilizing refined processes and cutting-edge technology, our customers have come to value our innovative solutions, personalized service and exceptional product, combined with an operational excellence that results in 98% on-time delivery.
End-to-end metal solutionsRefined processesCutting-edge technologyOperational excellence
End-to-end metal solutionsInnovative solutionsPersonalized serviceExceptional product
Metal FabricatioLaser CuttingPress Brake FormingPanel BendingWeldingRobotic WeldingSheet Metal PunchingMetal Parts LevelingPowder CoatingOEM Products Assembly