Entrepreneurs & Finance is a corporate finance “boutique” specialized in financial engineering. Founded in 2012 in Paris by its partners, the headquarter is based in Paris and a second office was set in Bordeaux in 2013. E&F mainly works in France and Europe but have the capacity to deploy abroad.
E&F specificities: only buy-side operations, tailor made services, dedicated team.
E&F core business is the implementation of Management-Buy-In (MBI) initiated by entrepreneurs (natural person). It handles every technical aspects from the help in finding the targeted company through the leading of the buyer’s due diligences, the research and the negotiations of the financings (debt and equity), the assistance of the drafting of legal documents, to the closing.
E&F also supports entrepreneurs and SMEs/SMIs in their development projects and/or resolution of their capitalistic issues. E&F provides tailor made services both for punctual operations (external growth, capital structuring, fund raising, assets optimization…) and on the long run with strategic steering of the manager’s organization and long term strategy.
Entrepreneurs & Finance also advise :
• Private Equity Firm to dynamize their participations and/or insure liquidity by providing new investors.
• Family Offices which want to diversify their portfolio. In the same way as acquisition realized by legal person, Entrepreneurs & Finance proposes his expertise in financial engineering and area related for FO operations with leverage effect in small and mid cap market.
Key figures :
• 60 deals (France & Spain).
• 30 c. entrepreneurs & SMEs/SMIs managed by E&F looking for a company to take over.
• SMEs/SMIs deal spectrum: 1-50 m€ (share price)
• Entrepreneurs (MBI) deal spectrum: 3 -20 m€ (share price)