At Rockway we like to think of ourselves as pioneers, teaching persons of all ages to play music through an online and on-demand video service. 2017 marked our 10th anniversary.
With over 130 000 users, we are proud to to bring the joy of playing music to every part of the nation.
Our services have over a hundred authorized professionals as teachers, not to forget all domestic and international stars. Lessons available at present: over 10 000 videos presented as hundreds of courses for all the most common instruments including singing, audio engineering and songwriting.
We are also a record label with co-opetarion with Sony Music.
Our award winning company has quite a long history in the e-learning business.
• E-learning Company of the Year Award already in 2010.
• 2011 we started a 5 year journey in the Learning Solutions program at the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation.
• INNOSUOMI Innovation Honorary Award by the President of Finland in 2012.
• In 2015, we were accepted to the Global Access Program in UCLA (University of California, Andersson Business School) and are pushing various international projects.
• Rockway is the first fully digital partner for The S Group (S-ryhmä), which is a Finnish retailing cooperative.