Youth Foyers provide 16–24-year-olds at risk of or experiencing homelessness with a safe and stable home for up to two years, with integrated learning and work supports all under one roof.
The Foyer Foundation manages and works to improve the quality standards of Foyers that operate in Australia. We don’t operate Foyers but we are the learning organisation that manages their accreditation and supports their quality improvement, linking this to a national community of practice which enables Foyers to share learnings and resources, utilise research and data to inform practice, and harness collective expertise to further innovate around the Foyer approach. The Foyer Foundation sponsors research, works with the Foyer movement globally and advocates to Government at all levels.
The Foyer Foundation is an independent charitable organisation with a diverse Board of experienced individuals who are involved in community organisations that work to resolve youth homelessness and unemployment, the education sector, government and the private sector across Australia.