The Modern Flour Mills & Macaroni Factories Co. (MFM) is a diversified cereal processor based in Amman, Jordan. In business since 1949, the company currently operates a wheat flour mill, a pasta production plant, a snack foods plant and a bakery ingredients production and distribution unit.
Retail, wholesale and specialty flour products are branded under the "Al-Ghazal" market leading name. Finished snack foods are marketed under the "Samar" brand. MFM also provides co-packing and private labeling services for all its product groups. The company operates its own distribution fleet with nationwide reach and its active business-to-business and export markets.
• Wheat flour & Semolina
• Pasta: long-cut & short-cut dry pasta, including bologna
• Snack Foods: direct expandable (puffed), fried snacks, & snack food pellets (cereal and potato based)
• Specialty Flour & Bakery Ingredients: cake & bread premixes, concentrates, improvers and correctors
MFM commenced Snack Food operations in the 1980s.The product line includes Direct Expanded Snacks and Fried Snacks (potato and cereal based). All Snacks are marketed under the "Samar" Snacks brand.
Part of this expansion was a production plant for Snack Pellets. In recent years the company has expanded its Snack Food Pellet production capacity, aggressively targeting the regional export market. Leading products are Potato and Cereal Based Pellets, with optimal expansion and flavor characteristics. The production systems are very flexible, permitting MFM to tailor formulations to the customer’s individual requirements.
MFM is a pioneer in pasta production in the Middle East. Pasta operations were launched under the iconic brand "Al-Ghazal" in 1969 with current production capacity of over 100 metric tons per day, and over 20 pasta varieties available. Pasta brands are marketed under "Al-Ghazal", "Suprema" and "Barakeh".