WECA is the premier independent electrical and low voltage contractors association in the American West. We provide innovative training and apprenticeship programs, offer advanced learning technologies for online electrician training, and provide contractors with the critical business services and responsive customer support they need to succeed in the industry. We have electrician training facilities and apprenticeship programs across California, Arizona, and Utah. For over 90 years, we have been training the next generation of electricians (and more recently, low voltage technicians), and advocating for and protecting fair and open competition in our industry.
Construction, Training Programs
HQ Location
3695 Bleckely St.
Rancho Cordova, California 95655, US
Electrical and Low Voltage (Voice Data Video & Fire Life Safety) ApprenticeshipElectrician Trainee Program w/ Online/Distance OptionsContractor Member ServicesPolitical AdvocacySupport on Public & Prevailing WageJourneyman Continuing EducatioApprenticeship