Warp knit fabrics since 1962.
Technology, tireless pursuit of high quality, attention to people and the environment, and continuous evolution. These are the elements that have made Carvico unique in its kind and recognized globally for over 60 years.
The pleasure in the challenge of producing innovative fabrics: we are made of Tradition, Innovation and Experimentation.
Above all, we are a large industry of men and women united by strong passion, an indelible sense of belonging, and a clear and recognizable perspective based on a few essential shared principles: quality of work, quality of the product, and quality of service.
We have always known and recognized the value of tradition, and “tradition” has always represented our strong roots: the same roots that have allowed us to grow steadfastly with our gaze turned towards the future, courageously facing every challenge that has come our way.
The knowledge passed down from generation to generation, combined with the advanced technologies we’ve developed, has allowed us to become great while remaining flexible, never losing the ability to adapt our products to market needs and explore uncharted territories.
A mindset that has enabled us, starting with ourselves, to expand our global presence over the years.
We are leaders in the production of stretch-resistant fabrics for the Swimwear, Sportswear, and Outerwear world.