Brandon Partners provides corporate and public sector training, instructor certification, keynote presentations, executive coaching, and applied behavioral sciences consulting to enhance performance and organizational results. The firm’s distinctive marketplace specialty is for learning solutions that cultivate the workplace competencies of Organizational Savvy and motivation skills. Since very few structured training designs exist to develop skills or shift paradigms related to ethical power and politics, we made Organizational Savvy our core business. We are recognized as the preeminent thought leaders on how this competency enhances individual and team influence, as well as enterprise success within complex business environments.
We believe that the Interpersonal Dimension of Influence is vital, but ignores the equally important, but typically ignored Strategic Dimension of Influence ––savvy and skills related to navigating and mastering organizational politics and power dynamics. Through direct delivery and our strategic alliances with other training companies around the world, we spread the cutting edge leadership competency of Organizational Savvy globally. We recently established an international distributor relationship that is translating and offering the program in forty countries in various languages.