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About Mary Gannon
Mary Gannon is Business Development Manager at Mad Dash, Inc. in 910 Pyott Road
Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, US. Previously worked at Mad Dash, Inc. as Business Development Manager. Mad Dash, Inc. is a Utilities company in 910 Pyott Road
Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014, US with 31 employees
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Mary Gannon Work
Mary Gannon is the Business Development Manager @Mad Dash, Inc., with experience in Ecommerce Program Manager, Product Manager @Medline Industries, LP
In business since 1996, Mad Dash is the trusted advisers to utilities, technology providers, consultants and commercial and industrial customers. We help our customers achieve their challenging energy management objectives.
Mad Dash offers premier field engineering, metering, monitoring, survey, installation, and support services for utility, metering and consultant customers. Mad Dash’s expertise is in assisting companies to succeed with onsite metering, monitoring, and demand response integration.
Mad Dash understands the complexity associated with integrating these systems into existing operations and has developed turnkey processes that provide project preparation expertise, hands-on technical analysis and recommendations, complete installation responsibility, and customer satisfaction measurements—all based on field-proven, cost-effective practices. Our experience covers market segments that include but not limited to residential, small commercial, office space, food services, and educational, industrial and healthcare facilities.
Field engineering servicesMetering servicesMonitoring servicesSurvey servicesInstallation servicesSupport services
Commercial Demand ResponseEnergy ConsultingField Survey and AuditsAMI RemediatioUtility ProgramsProject ManagementCurtailment Service PlansEnergy Monitoring SystemsMeter Data ValidatioIntelligent Field Services