Louise Aaen Dalsgaard
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Work Experience
Chief Financial Officer
Dec 2022 - Present · 2 years
Bogføring Nord
Business Controller
Apr 2016 - Nov 2022 · 6 years and 7 months
Revisor Hd
Aug 2007 - Mar 2016 · 8 years and 7 months
Company Details
idoc is an engineering company specialised in documentation, technical work drawings, design and development for the professional segment. 3D CAD modelling, engineering calculations, CE marking, product development and project management are among some of the solutions we provide. We provide our services from our offices or as an integrated part of your project team. idoc was founded in 2010 with the purpose of assisting The Danish Defence in the reconstructing of existing documentation. We have since extended and developed our competencies. We have cooperated with the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation and the private industry for several years. Through the years of cooperation, we have developed our expertise and capability. The keywords for all our solutions are flexibility and quality. The members of our staff are specialised within their field and we are always updated on the newest certifications and standards. Contact us if you want a highly-specialised partner with years of experience. Danish below Hos idoc er vi specialister inden for dokumentation, tekniske tegninger, design og udvikling til det professionelle segment. Vi tilbyder løsninger inden for blandt andet 3D CAD modellering, ingeniørberegninger, CE-mærkning, produktudvikling samt projektledelse. Vores ydelser udarbejdes på vores kontorer eller ude hos jer, hvor vores medarbejdere fungerer som en integreret del af projektteamet. Vi har gennem flere års samarbejde med FMI og det private erhvervsliv, udviklet vores ekspertise. Fleksibilitet og kvalitet er nøgleord for alle vores løsninger. Vores medarbejdere er specialister inden for deres felt og er altid opdateret på de nyeste krav og standarder. idoc blev grundlagt i 2010 med det formål at assistere FMI i rekonstruktion af eksisterende dokumentation. Vi har siden udvidet og udviklet vores kompetencer og ekspertise. Få en specialiseret samarbejdspartner, som står til rådighed med fagligt input og sparring med idoc.
Year Founded
Social Media
Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering
HQ Location
Gasværksvej 24, 2. sal Aalborg, 9000, DK
CAD DesignTechnical DocumentationElectrical ConsultantsElectrical installationElectrical DesignS1000DAutoDesk InventorSolidWorks3D Via ComposerLS Dyna
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