Otway Health is located in Apollo Bay - a small coastal town in the southwest region of Victoria, nestled among the serene Otway Ranges and the spectacular Great Ocean Road.
We provide a wide range of health and community services to the 2,815 residents that live in our catchment area -
stretching from Lavers Hill to Wye River, and during peak periods of tourism we service over 20,000 clients.
We are block funded as a Multi Purpose Service (MPS) with funding arrangements consisting of Commonwealth and State Aged Care, as well as Victorian Department of Health and Human Services funding.
Through our Board, Otway Health is accountable to the Commonwealth Government and the Victorian State Government for the efficiency and integrity of operations and the quality of services provided. At a local level these funding arrangements facilitate a greater degree of flexibility to an MPS, allowing a range of services that respond to the needs of our community.