Learn and Thrive are a new charity developing FREE online learning tools for people with Down's syndrome and other learning difficulties.
We currently run the Teach Me Too project, an online library of educational videos and accompanying learning resources, all designed around the specific learning profile of children with Down’s syndrome.
Videos are produced by specialist teachers via Inclusively Down and focus on key early learning concepts and skills. In addition, our expert speech and language therapists cover key vocabulary and signing.
We also run the Learning For Life project, which covers personal health, emotions, relationships, and appropriate behaviour. We will be releasing new material in sets of videos covering particular areas of need for our community. We've worked on the initial set with Widgit, and is titled ‘Growing Up and Keeping Safe’.
To find out how we can support you, your children or those that you care for, access our website here: www.learnandthrive.org.uk