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About Beverly Ringor
Beverly Ringor is Human Resources at Global PInoy Remittance and Services, Inc. in capital, quezon city, philippines. Previously worked at SosaJB Property Management Corp. as Compensation And Benefits Assistant. Global PInoy Remittance and Services, Inc. is a Banking company in undefined with 27 employees
Launched in September of 2009, GPRS or Global Pinoy Remittance and Services Inc. is a company engaged in the remittance and consumer services industry duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the BangkoSentralngPilipinas.
GPRS offers fund remittance transfer services to its broad-based group of customers including OFW’s, businesses, cooperatives and individuals. The vision of GPRS is to be the leading Remittance Service Provider in the country and a mission to become a truly cash management company which consistently exceeds customers’ expectations. GPRS is already on the track of accomplishing that by employing on its own IT system, UNLITECH INC or Unlimited Technologies Inc., which serves as a portal for all its transactions between its networks of branches. This provides GPRS the edge to deliver fast, accurate and efficient remittance and fund transfer facilities.
VISION To be the trendsetter in remittance industry by providing world class quality service to the global community.
MISSION To provide innovative and advanced technology. To keep core coordination among employees and business partners. Excellence in customer care.
VALUE STATEMENT We value excellence, pro-active people world class quality services.