Polemix gives you access to world-class thought leaders through personalized, interactive video calls.
We partner with brilliant people such as Steven Pinker, Peter Singer, Kishore Mahbubani, Shashi Tharoor and Cornel West to give you the ability to not only meet them in a unique way, but also to interact with them in a horizontal way and dive deep into the ideas that interest you.
We do it in a unique way. We form small select discussion group of only 5 members for each conversation, achieving an intimate and relaxed atmosphere. We have a previous meeting with each of them to understand what their expectations are, what topics they want to discuss and we make sure they are the right people to enhance the conversation.
We are present during the conversation providing assistance to keep things flowing and we connect with them after the conversation to make sure their expectations have been met.
We believe that the right conversation can change your life.
In the end, opinions are all we have. We are only as interesting as our opinions. We feed them with the best nutrients available, we polish them like crystals. A conversation with these figures can change your life, it can unlock an area of your thinking that you were unaware of. That is our mission, to create the conditions for the unexpected to happen and for that spark to change everything. No one comes out the same after a transformative conversation.