mindyourmind exists in the space where mental health, wellness, engagement and technology meet. We work with young people aged 14-29 to co-create interactive tools and innovative resources to build capacity and resilience.
We do this through our Design Studio model, in which young people work directly with facilitators, content experts, and designers to brainstorm, design, and develop our projects. Our goals are to promote wellness, reduce the stigma around mental health, and increase access to community supports, both professional and peer-based.
At mindyourmind, young people are valued as experts in their own experience and choose to engage in whichever way makes sense for them. Youth are involved in everything that we do, every step of the way. We explore, co-create and prototype using iterative cycles that involve youth and adult partners to discuss and design what matters to them in mental health. Our smoothie video is a great a look at our engagement approach.
Everything we do originates through interaction with youth and the professionals who serve them. Working alongside young people, every actor in the system has the potential to make meaningful change in how we conceptualize and ensure the mental wellbeing of Canadian youth.
mindyourmind impacts systems change by increasing the capacity of young people to reach out, get help and give help through the use of technology, engagement and research-informed innovation.