Elluminate's leading voice and presence raises the consciousness of a broad-based community to the issues affecting women and girls. To achieve change, we provide organizations that are founded and/or run by exemplary women with a platform of support and guidance to help create and sustain social change programs with missions aligned with the goals of the Foundation. To supplement our grantmaking, elluminate educates the community and advocates for policies that positively impact women and girls at the local, federal, and international level. elluminate is uniquely positioned to create long lasting, systemic and impactful change. Members of elluminate have the opportunity to hone and share their philanthropic voice to affect change in New York, Israel, and around the globe.
Inspired by our Jewish values, elluminate pursues and promotes a world in which all women and girls are ensured a healthy and supported environment…a world in which we all have equal opportunity for economic, religious, social and political achievement.
We work to make this a reality by cultivating leaders for now and the future, funding innovative programs and advocacy efforts, by providing education on vital issues, and by encouraging our donors to view all philanthropic giving through a Jewish and gender lens.
Philanthropic Fundraising Services
HQ Location
130 East 59th Street
New York, NY 10022, US
FundraisingProgram DevelopmentAdvocacy EffortsCommunity EducationLeadership CultivationGrant Management
Philanthropic Fundraising ServicesSocial Change ProgramsGrantmakingCommunity EducationPolicy Advocacy