Xin Yuan Comcare Ltd (XYCL) is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity with Institution of Public Character (IPC) status. XYCL is governed by its Constitution.
XYCL is rooted from Xin Yuan Community Care (XYCC), a registered Society established in 2005. XYCL upholds the mission, vision and objectives of XYCC. The Society is currently in the process of transitioning its programmes, services and operations to XYCL.
Our charity is committed to providing centre-based services such as regular healthcare and therapeutic services, groceries, meals, essential aid, social and enrichment activities, and financial assistance to over 280 needy/socially isolated seniors as well as academic support and relevant services to around 50 to 60 underprivileged children from low-income families. These programmes and services are provided to our clients free of charge. Our beneficiaries are mostly from, but not limited to, the Bishan-Toa Payoh area.
We operate a Day Activity and Wellness Centre for seniors with a team of nurses as well as programme and centre staff, with support from resource physiotherapists, fitness instructors and TCM doctors. We also create the space and opportunity for our elderly to interact with each other and to participate in meaningful activities such as arts and crafts, fun games, etc., to keep them mentally and socially engaged. These activities serve as a preventative measure from the onset of mental health issues such as dementia, depression, suicidal ideation, etc. For FY2021-2022, total service availment and programme participation for all clients reached over 18,000.