Founded in 1993 by feminist Betty Friedan and Police Commissioner Ann Reiss Lane, Women Against Gun Violence has been working for 25 years on safer gun legislation in California and in the U.S., as well as offering workshops, symposiums and events to educate the public, change the culture, and end gun violence.
Our TALK Project educates parents on how to keep their kids safe from gun violence. Understanding the risks about guns in the home, and understanding what "safe storage" entails, can save children's lives from unintentional shootings, suicides, and school shootings. If you would like one of our TALK Project leaders to visit your school or organization, or if you would like to learn how to be a TALK Project leader, click here:
Sign up for our action alert, and once a week, we'll update you with news about gun safety legislation, events happening near you, and small simple ways you can help. CLICK HERE: