"Celebrating Ten Years in Mobile Game Development"
A Transmedia Storytelling, Gamification, Mobile, Social, "WEB 3.0" Company.
Started doing PC, Console, and Handheld Video Game Development. In late 2000 made the move as one of the first few USA based early adapters of Mobile Game Development.
During that time created and shipped 23 Titles. Late 2006 till 2009 Mobile Content Consulting Firm. November 2007 was one of the first few Mobile Game Development Company to start developing for Google Android. A early adapter of Android Development. February 2008 was asked to be on the Apple IOS App closed beta program. One of the first few Mobile Game Development Company accepted. A early adapter of IOS Development.
2009 to 2010 IOS and Android Game Development.
2011 A Transmedia Storytelling, Gamification, Mobile, Social, "WEB 3.0" Company.