Way to Go empowers low-income workers in Harrisonburg-Rockingham (VA) to improve their quality of life by assisting them with their transportation needs. In our blended rural-suburban area, public transportation is not widely available. As a result, the lack of access to community resources and basic household needs (e.g., food, safe shelter, healthcare, education, childcare, and employment) limits the productivity and self-sufficiency of our residents, particularly those with low incomes. Reliable and affordable transportation enables low-income workers to experience success as members of the workforce. Without this, they will struggle each day to reach the job or training program that could bring them economic security and upward mobility.
As the only organization in our immediate area and surrounding region with a mission solely dedicated to mitigating transportation barriers for low-income workers, Way to Go transportation services are critical to ensuring our residents can access basic needs and services that can equip them with the tools and skills needed to become/remain productive workers and engaged citizens. Lack of reliable and affordable transportation threatens their family's health, safety, and future.
To be eligible for Way to Go services, prospective clients (independent households) must meet three basic eligibility requirements:
1. Reside in the City of Harrisonburg or Rockingham County;
2. At least one adult in the household must be employed or have a verifiable job offer for a minimum of 20 hours per week; and
3. Be referred directly by a representative of a local agency or community organization who is familiar with the household's needs, resources, and employment record.