Welfare Association for New Generation (WANG) is not for profit national organization striving for peace building, youth engagement, women empowerment and well-educated society where the potential of the youth are harnessed, rights protected and every child to get access to basic education.
Our goal : WANG envision peaceful, educated society where the rights of every individual are Protected and entertained.
Mission :WANG strives to untie the potential of communities through diversified engagement that enables them to transform society.
Major Objective : To establish a peaceful and well-educated society where everyone enjoys their rights and contribute to the development and social advancement through the set of objectives.
To promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
To ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all mainly for girls and women.
To promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
To promote gender equality and empower women and girls particularly in rural areas
To protect and safeguard human rights, empower communities and institutions through expanded commitment for social advancement
To promote democratic values and civic education in country through youth engagement and empowerment for building prosperous society
Organizational Values:
Committed for diversity
Zero tolerance for all form of violence
Accountability and transparency with sense of fairness and respect
Openness with optimism and mutual sensitivity
Support personal growth and value for self-esteem
Ecologically use of resource
creativity and innovation with fun