Mission: Our maternity home community is designed to welcome and guide women, who are pregnant, in crisis and want to choose life. We have created a pathway to parenting, housing, health, healing and independence. Our maternity home community, along with our community partners, are dedicated to each family we serve. Our hope is to end homelessness and empower women to live a life full of love and aspiration.
Vita Nova meaning "new life" is in the process of building a new maternity home community in Omaha, Nebraska. Vita Nova Maternity Community was created to meet the need for a robust maternity home capable of serving pregnant mothers and their children in our community. Facing a real need, Vita Nova leadership believes it is the right time for sacrificial action. With the proper facility and support team, the placement is right to provide a holistic approach to a special high-risk population of mothers and babies. Mothers who seek support with a willingness, desire and determination for change. The success of Vita Nova and thereby the women and children it serves will rest on the goodness and support of the entire community. Vita Nova will seek partnership and support within the community to tap into the present need, want and desire to provide philanthropic support to such an important population. Vita Nova will provide love, support, and care for women in crisis and seeking help.