United States Fashion Industry Association

Retail Apparel and Fashion, Leather Goods / Products, Textiles Leather & Jute · 2 Employees
Phone Number: info@usfashionindustry.com
Email Address: info@usfashionindustry.com
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The United States Fashion Industry Association (USFIA) represents the fashion industry: textile and apparel brands, retailers, importers, and wholesalers based in the United States and doing business globally. Founded in 1989 as the United States Association of Importers of Textiles & Apparel with the goal of eliminating the global apparel quota system, USFIA now works to eliminate the tariff and non-tariff barriers that impede the industry’s ability to trade freely and create economic opportunities in the United States and abroad. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., USFIA is the most respected voice for the fashion industry in front of the U.S. government as well as international governments and stakeholders. With constant, two-way communication, USFIA staff and counsel serve as the eyes and ears of our members in Washington and around the world, enabling them to stay ahead of the regulatory challenges of today and tomorrow. Through our publications, educational events, and networking opportunities, USFIA also connects with key stakeholders across the value chain including U.S. and International service providers, suppliers, and industry groups.
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Retail Apparel and Fashion, Leather Goods / Products, Textiles Leather & Jute
HQ Location
1140 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 950 Washington, DC 20036, US
  • 1140 Connecticut Ave. NW Suite 950 Washington, DC 20036, US

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Retail Apparel and Fashion, Leather Goods / Products, Textiles Leather & Jute

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